- - - - - - - - April 5, 2022 Post - - - - - - - - - - -
(4/5/22) Several year ago the Amundson's, Ginger, and I travelled to McIntosh for their town-wide November Fall Festival. A great day and terrific fall weather. We visited vendor booths, had hot dogs, cotton candy, coffee and doughnuts. More recently, as a result of COVID, the Fall events two years running were cancelled. However, Ginger and I wanted to show the Fronstin's McIntosh and other towns nearby - so we visited McIntosh and introduced them to old town(s) in Florida. showed them the historic train depot.
- - - - - - - - November 5th, 2022 Post - - - - - - - - - - -
(11/5/22) Update: The McIntosh 1890's Festival has returned. We coordinated our Biloxi monthly trip (taking it a week earlier) so we could attend the festival and share it with Eddie and Linda. We did. We attempted to meet at the Train depot at 9:00 am - but there was no chance. The parking, roads and crowds took over the entire town in a good way. Walking Main Street very slowly and texting/calling the Alcorne's we met up early on and browsed the event together. Our financially smart wives were really not looking to by and used a decision model "do I need that? No, I don't need that". Unfortunately for Eddie the event resulted in many, many ideas that Linda HAS FOR EDDIE!. One downer however, Eddie was supported by a knee brace to ease pain from what we were told was a bone spur - damn it must be tough when one gets old - I'll wait and see. See below for more pics add and also view Google Photos link here.
The most obvious attraction was the historic train depot - so we took photos, poke our noses on the window and screens to see what we could see. Then, as we walked around we looked across the field we saw what we came to learned was an artist's gallery - the 'Carriage House'. Not knowing what it was (but soon learned) we boldly walked into an open doorway and hollered 'Hello'. After some introductions and asking if it would be possible shoot inside - the artist - Willam Schaaf, invited us in and we talked for 45 minutes. A great opportunity to learn what he does and a little about the area.
Photo Ops:
- Train Depot (use a mobile phone and shoot indoors with phone directly on the screen/glass
- The Old (1898) McIntosh Christian Church
- The Carriage House - exterior and if lucky interior
- McIntosh 1890'2 Festival Activities
Read about the Town of McIntosh History
Step Back in Time ... www.floridianamagazine.com/a-step-back-in-time-mcintosh-florida/
Visit his site at www.williamschaaf.com
McIntosh 1890's https://mcintosh1890sfestival.com/